Taking care of oneself, sounds easy, doesn’t it?
Not really. For many of us, our lives are full of tasks that are a result of economic need and a need to care for others, usually family members. Children, elderly parents, and many in their 20s, 30s, 40’s, ’50s, and 60s are often consumed by caring for others. But what about you? The person who is expected to provide all this care? Who is taking care of you?
Self-care is crucial to a happier, more balanced, and healthier life. Self-care can take various shapes from regular exercise, playing an instrument to travel, a warm cup of tea on a beautiful morning, and everything in between. It’s really up to each individual to decide what feels right and what’s most helpful.
Here are some tips to help you integrate self-care into your daily routine:
Keep it simple and start slow:
New big tasks can seem daunting and setting unrealistic goals may cause more stress. Set small goals to start that require as much time commitment and energy as you’re able to give.
Practice mindfulness:
Mindfulness exercises are a great way to increase your awareness and feel more present. The great news is there are many options to choose from and unlike other relaxing activities, mindfulness can be practiced anywhere and at any time.
Check the guilt at the door:
Many of us have been socialized to believe that looking after our own well-being is selfish. This can lead to feelings of guilt when taking time to practice self-care. Remind yourself that you deserve to be cared for and that practicing self-care will help you take care of others more effectively and with more joy.
Seek support:
Seeking support from a therapist can help you navigate the thoughts and emotions that may be getting in the way of looking after yourself as there may be issues beneath the surface that are creating the resistance.